HUMANwerkstatt Projects

We at the Human Werkstatt make products for the well-being of the body and mind. However, it is not only important to us to use high-quality and selected raw materials for these products, but also to manufacture and process them in an environment in which people can live well.

For this reason, it is important to us to deal fairly and fairly with our partners.

In addition, together with your support (dear customers), we would like to support projects for people who are going through a difficult time and also contribute to the positive development of the environment.

For this reason we have already been able to support Volkshilfe twice in May and June 2020 as part of their Soma markets and will continue to do so in the future.

We would like to support many other organizations and people and hope to realize this together with you, dear customers. (We already say thank you for purchasing our products and making this possible for us.)

We will inform you about our next campaigns and projects.


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